Book taxi services with us.
Save up to 45 % on Taxi service in Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic Taxi service in 5min.
Book your Dominican Republic taxi in a different way. Book your taxi service in Dominican Republic over the phone, online or using our handy mobile APP.
Ride with us and enjoy your Dominican Republic taxi service. Best prices and real taxi drivers near you 24/7.
Why choose DispoCars for your Dominican Republic taxi ride?
We have been in the taxi and passenger transportation industry since 2012, and we have seen and experienced it all. With our team’s solid international experience and major event transport management background, our team knows what it takes to deliver the first-class service for a reasonable price. For more about us click here.

Private Dominican Republic taxi service for the best local price
We operate locally here in Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, which is why we can offer you the best price on the market when it comes to Dominican Republic taxi services. With a very user-friendly Dominican Republic taxi app and online taxi booking form here on our website, we are the perfect match for your private Dominican Republic taxi service. Whether it’s an airport taxi service in Dominican Republic or private chauffeur service in Dominican Republic for your holiday transfers, we have it all.
Proven and with the best cancellation policy in the world
DispoCars should be your one-stop shop when it comes to taxi services. We have only tested and verified service providers on our system. We do provide 24/7 customer service and a very flexible cancellation policy where in a standard situation you can cancel your taxi even 1 minute before your ride if the driver hasn’t started the service already.
Book your Dominican Republic city or airport taxi transfer with us and get the best service for the best price.
Here are all the vehicle types that you can book with us:
Standard Taxi
Taxi van
Dominican Republic taxi APP
Car service with a driver for your short trip in Dominican Republic or for your longer taxi rides around Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, booked with a very simple and convenient taxi booking app. Make a booking for your Dominican Republic taxi service and enjoy your ride instantly with our on-demand taxi app.
Check out our taxi app by visiting the icons on the bottom of this website or just simply visit Apple store or Google Play, and search for DispoCars. Download and enjoy your Dominican Republic taxi service on a whole new level. So go and make your booking for a taxi service in Dominican Republic.
Enjoy your Dominican Republic taxi service with DispoCars.